MAX7219 is an integrated serial input / output common-cathode display drivers , which connects the microprocessor 7-segment digital LED display with 8 digits , bar graph can also be connected monitor or 64 separate LED. On type B BCD encoder includes an on-chip , multi-channel scanning loop , segment word drive, but also a 8x8 static RAM for storing each data . Only one external register is used to set the segment current for each LED .
- A convenient four-wire serial interface can connect all common microprocessor. Each data can be addressed in the update does not overwrite all of the display . MAX7219 also allows the user to select each of the data code or not coded .
- The entire device includes a 150μA low-power shutdown mode , analog and digital brightness control , a scan-limit register allows the user to 1-8 bits of data , there is an LED light so that all the detection mode .