ฟอร์ทไนท์ ลิลลี่ 🌿 Fortnight lily
299.00 199.00 บาท
106 ชิ้น
African Iris, Wild Iris, Cape Iris, Fortnight Lily, Fortnight Iris

White Iris-like flowers that are marked with yellow and blue are produced throughout the growing season once well-established and are held on sturdy green stems just above and among the deep blue green upright to arching foliage. The most commonly cultivated of the African Iris, this species is a durable landscape plant where it is often used in mass to good effect and it can easily be maintained as a low maintenance container specimen. The African Iris are tolerant of a wide variety of growing conditions from mostly sunny to lightly shaded as long as the soil is moderately fertile and well-drained.

The White Butterfly Iris makes an easy to enjoy and low maintenance container specimen as well as garden and landscape plant. When overwintering it indoors provide it with ample light and preferably at least some direct sunlight. The African Irises are tolerant of frosts and a light freeze but anywhere temperatures drop below 28oF, or 32oF for extended periods, an appropriate breathable mulch should be provided to further protect the rhizomes. Foliar damage may occur if temperatures fall below freezing for any extended period of time, otherwise it is an evergreen.

Easily and often confused with Dietes grandiflora.

Grows To: 24-30H x 18-24W

USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 9,10,11,(8B?)

Click here to find your USDA Cold Hardiness Zone

Outdoor Light: Full sun, Part sun, Part shade, Light shade

pH Range: Mildly Acidic, Neutral, Mildly Alkaline

Soil & Moisture: Well drained to wet. Somewhat drought resistant once well-established. Does fine under average garden conditions.
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