343.00 206.00 บาท
25 ชิ้น
1. The store is in stock and shipped from Guangzhou, China. The order will be shipped within 48 hours. The normal arrival time is 7-10 days.
2. Since it is a foreign seller, please be careful! Overseas delivery process: send it from Guangzhou to the customs, and then transfer it from the customs to the domestic transportation company! When the products arrive at customs, they will notify the buyer that the goods have been shipped. Please note that after the package is sent, if water is not needed or the order is cancelled, it will not be refunded.
3 Please pick up the package any time after it arrives. (The longest time is 7 days after the package arrives at the store.) If you do not use the product or exceed the time of receiving the package, we will directly lose the package! Please refer to the newsletter you received. Please do not show the full time on the order page!
After sales service will be carried out. Any product issues will be used to use personal information. Please reply as soon as possible. Thank you. Thank you. Remember, the wrong product or product is not satisfactory. Please talk about it.
5. If there is a problem after receiving the goods, the freight is reduced, the logistics speed is slow and there are defects, please feel free to contact us for processing. Thank you.
6. For our products and services, please provide a five-star rating. If you are not satisfied, please contact us and always provide online service. Your satisfaction is our pursuit!
If you like our products and services, please click five stars after confirming the receipt.
Thanks for your support. If we do not do well, we are happy to improve ourselves. #Korea#coat#vest#T#sexy#HAUL#SHOPEEHUAL
ชุดเดรสแขนยาวเปิดไหล่ชุดเดรสแฟชั่นแขนกุดชุดเดรสเปิดไหล่แขนยาวเดรสแขนกุดผูกเชือกเดรสแขนกุด ผูกคอเดรสแขนกุดผูกข้างชุดเดรสแขนกุดเสื้อแขนกุดเปิดไหล่เดรสแขนยาวเปิดไหล่ชุดเดรสแขนกุดผู้หญิง
