O HUI THE FIRST GENITURE PEARL CAPSULE TREATMENT 0.22ml x 1ea / Glossy skin / Glowing skin / Natural skin
654.00 250.00 บาท
The First Geniture Pearl Capsule Treatment
This is a program product containing core ingredients of The First
Geniture and pearl ingredient. It is an intensive treatment product
in which the brilliant glow of pearls in the formulation helps to
create naturally radiant and glowing skin.
*How to use: Poke the capsule with the pin included, squeeze out
the contents and apply it along with the facial skin texture. Press
the skin gently with your palm to let it absorb. If you put it after
cream, you can apply it more smoothly.
The First Geniture 珍珠护理胶囊
质地呈现出 珍珠的玲珑光彩,能够帮助肌肤散发自然水润光泽,是
※使用方法:用内置镊子在胶囊中打孔,挤出适量内容物后,沿肌理均匀 涂抹。