Easy Steps to Chinese: Picture Cards 1 轻松学中文图卡1
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Fun and effective, this excellent textbook series adopts an exciting new approach to teaching Chinese as a foreign language. The task-based program, designed by the authors of the popular Chinese Made Easy and Chinese Made Easy for Kids, is based on feedbEnglish Description
The Picture Flashcards is to be used together with Textbook 1. On the front there is an exquisite colored illustration, and on the back the important new words and practical conversations. The content is close to students’ life, enabling them to easily memorize the words and simple sentences while watching the pictures. Also it facilities the teacher’s teaching in the classroom.

About the Author
Yamin Ma, B.A. in English Language and Literature, and M.A. in Education, is currently a Chinese teacher in Island School, Hong Kong. Ma has gained years of experience in teaching Chinese as a foreign language and she actively keeps up with the trends of AP Chinese Test in U.S. and the IB Chinese Test in Europe. Her research covers English language teaching, Chinese language teaching and educational psychology. She has read and published a number of papers in international conferences.

《轻松学中文》是一套主要面向青少年的汉语教材,适合国外中学生和中国国际学校的学生学习使用。全套教材针对AP及IB汉语考试而编写,其独特之处在于采用了“交际法”,同时兼顾汉语与印欧语教学的不同之处。 《轻松学中文》 共八册,分为三个阶段。第一阶段为第一、二册;第二阶段为第三、四、五、六册;第三阶段为第七、八册。此套教材旨在帮助汉语为非母语的中小学生奠定扎实的汉语学习基础。此目标是通过语言、话题和文化的自然结合,从词汇、汉语知识的学习及语言交流技能的培养两个方面来达到的。   本书是与第1册课本相配套的图卡。每页正面提供精美的彩色插图,背面是重要的生词和实用的对话。内容贴近学生生活,使学生能在看图的同时记住词语和简单的句子,也方便教师课堂教学。


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