Chulabook(ศูนย์หนังสือจุฬาฯ) |c321หนังสือ 9780593450871 THE PRINCETON REVIEW AP PSYCHOLOGY PREMIUM PREP, 2023: 5 PRACTICE TESTS + COMPLETE CONTENT REVIEW
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PREMIUM PREP FOR A PERFECT 5! Ace the 2023 AP Psychology Exam with this Premium version of the Princeton Review’s comprehensive study guide. Includes 5 full-length practice tests , thorough content reviews, targeted strategies for every section of the exam, and access to online extras.

Techniques That Actually Work....

• Tried-and-true strategies to help you avoid traps and beat the test

• Tips for pacing yourself and guessing logically

• Essential tactics to help you work smarter, not harder

Everything You Need for a High Score

• Fully aligned with the latest College Board standards for AP® Psychology

• Comprehensive content review for all test topics

• Access to study plans, a handy list of key terms, helpful pre-college information, and more via your online Student Tools

Practice Your Way to Excellence

• 5 full-length practice tests (4 in the book, 1 online) with complete answer explanations

• Practice drills at the end of each content review chapter

• Step-by-step explanations of sample questions to help you create your personal pacing strategy

• Online study guides to strategically plan out your AP Psychology prep......

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