[COURSE] - 10X Effective Learning - Speed Reading & Memory Booster
120.00 บาท
3 ชิ้น
Learn Anything Fast: ADVANCED Speed Reading (800 WPM), up to 4 Hours of LASER-LIKE Focus, SOLID Memory, FAST Note-Taking

What youll learn:

✔ #1 ACCELERATED Learning Blueprint for High Achievers on Udemy!
​​​✔ Know when to scan, when to slow down and when to read fast up to 800 words per minute to get the essence on the text.
✔ Get up to 4 hours of deeply focused, strategic work without stress or procrastination.
​​​​✔ Keep up with current events and topics that interest ​you and support ​your voracious curiosity and creative work.
✔ How to find more time to learn in a world of information overload and start implementing what you study faster so you can BOOST your profit & income!
✔ How to QUICKLY find one hour per day for reading and learning even if you are super busy and overwhelmed. Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Elon Musk, and Oprah Winfrey find one hour to learn EVERYDAY. So can you!
✔ How to 10x your results from each hour of learning. Get 3 SECRET techniques that will boost your reading speed to about 1,000 words per minute!
✔ How to stay HYPER focused and motivated on what’s most important for you to learn without procrastinating.
✔ Instantly increase your reading speed by 50% just after the FIRST Hour of this course.
✔ Become faster, sharper, unstoppable in your daily life and career
✔ Boost focus and reduce subvocalization and regression
✔ Reduce stress and frustration
✔ Learn anything at least 2-3 times quicker
✔ Achieve higher class exam scores
✔ Qualify for your dream job
✔ Improve your comprehension by activating certain areas of your brain
✔ Reprogram your mind to stop forgetting
✔ Remember all the names and relevant facts
✔ Unleash quick recall in any situation
✔ How to CUT your study time by half and still enjoy the studying for real.
✔ What are the common myths you have about reading and speed reading and how to overcome all of them.·
✔ What is the right mindset required for effective reading.
✔ How to get the main ideas from any book faster.
✔ How to read textbooks or technical books in an effective way.
✔ How to develop laser-like focus while reading.
✔ How to read faster on any computer screen and e-readers.
✔ What are the best ways of taking effective notes.
✔ What is Mind-mapping and what are the rules for making a perfect mind-map.
✔ How to summarize entire books or chapter in one page.
✔ How to revise from the notes you have prepared before an important exam.
✔ What are the common misbeliefs you have relating to memory.
✔ How your brain works and stores information and how to use it to your advantage.
✔ What is the ideal mindset to have while memorizing.

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