The Little Book of Otter Philosophy - The Little Animal Philosophy Books Jennifer McCartney Hardback
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HarperCollins Publishers
Categories: Mind, Body, Spirit: Meditation & Visualisation Funny Books & Stories Parodies & Spoofs Wildlife: Aquatic Creatures

The Little Book of Otter Philosophy - The Little Animal Philosophy Books
Jennifer McCartney
Hardback (22 Aug 2019)

Publishers Synopsis

Otters are some of the most delightful animals on the planet.

These long, lean, furry creatures embody pure joy in so many ways - they live for napping, playing, making friends and eating, and forget about the rest. Pretty inspiring, right?

In a world that can often seem divided, lonely, and just plain cruel, the otter reminds us of whats important in life.

What other animal:

Holds hands with their friends whilst napping so they dont float away?
Communicates in a flurry of whistles, chirps, chuckles, clicks and coos?
Builds a waterslide on a daily basis?
Befriends other species, just because?
Eats food off their tummy while floating peacefully with their pals?

These intelligent, adorable, water-dwelling mammals have a lot to teach us about the way we live. So, kick back, grab a pal, dive in and reconnect with your playful side, just like you otter!

Book information

ISBN: 9780008341817
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
Imprint: HarperCollinsPublishers
Pub date: 22 Aug 2019
DEWEY: 818.602
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 160
Weight: 158g
Height: 118mm
Width: 158mm
Spine width: 11mm
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