EBFS Wacholderbeeren im Glas 50 Gram / juniper berries in a Jar 50 Gram
120.00 บาท
1 ชิ้น
EBFS Wacholderbeeren im Glas 50 Gram / juniper berries in a Jar 50 Gram.Wacholder is a juniper-flavored distilled beverage and a regional variety of gin. It is produced predominantly in Westphalia, Emsland, Lippe, and the Rhineland. One of the oldest operating Wacholder distilleries is the Brennerei Eversbusch in Hagen, founded in the 18th century. Wacholder is the German word for "juniper".
In Austria and regions of Bavaria, Wacholder is referred to as Kranewitter, which is a regional term for the juniper plant. In Germany, Wacholder spirit can be used as an umbrella term for all juniper-flavored spirit…
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