*พร้อมส่ง* Retainer Brite Cleaning Tablets 120 Tablets
1,100.00 บาท
14 ชิ้น
Retainer Brite tablets are a convenient and effective way to keep your dental appliance clean and safeguard your oral health. Removable appliances can quickly acquire a buildup of bacteria and even plaque and tartar. Regular cleaning of orthodontic retainers, aligners, and mouth guards for sports or sleep is a must, and Retainer Brite makes it easy.

Whether you wear your dental appliance all day, all night, or just for a few hours, bacteria can build up on the surfaces and in the grooves of the appliance. These germs cause discoloration and bad odors. Just like your teeth, appliances such as retainers and guards can be adversely affected by plaque and tartar, so its crucial to clean these items thoroughly every day.

Retainer Brite is an established brand and a highly rated product for cleaning removable dental appliances. In just 15 minutes, Retainer Brite removes 99% of seven types of odor-causing bacteria. Retainer Brite also removes plaque and tartar for healthier teeth and gums.

Retainer Brite is appropriate for cleaning the following:

Clear Retainers
Wire Retainers
Clear Aligners
Sports Mouthguards
Bruxism Appliances
TMJ Appliances
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