Many the diversity of life on earth
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  • material:Light paper
  • theme:Popular Science Encyclopedia
  • title:The diversity of life on earth
  • author:Nicola Davies
  • press:Candlewick
  • Date of publication:2020
  • Edition:/
  • Text language:english
  • Number of pages:subject to physical objects
  • Format:see details
  • copies are available on shelf:9781536215960
  • Free CDs:no
  • Book pricing:89
  • whether it is a gift:no
  • Suitable for reading age:over 12 years old


title:Many: The Diversity of Life on EarthSo manyThe diversity of life on earth


Author:Nicola Davies 

Name of publishing house:Candlewick


Language: English


Product size:0.5 x 28.1 x 24.3 cm 

Packing: paperback

Number of pages:40(subject to material object)

After magnifying the beauty of unseen organisms in Tiny Creatures, Nicola Davies and Emily Sutton turn their talents to the vast variety of life on Earth.

The more we study the world around us, the more living things we discover every day. The planet is full of millions of species of plants, birds, animals, and microbes, and every single one — including us — is part of a big, beautiful, complicated pattern. When humans interfere with parts of the pattern, by polluting the air and oceans, taking too much from the sea, and cutting down too many forests, animals and plants begin to disappear. What sort of world would it be if it went from having many types of living things to having just one? In a beautiful follow-up, the creators of the award-winning Tiny Creatures: The World of Microbes deliver an inspiring look at the extraordinary diversity of Earth’s inhabitants — and the importance of their preservation.

Nicola Daviesis a zoologist and award-winning author whose many books for children include Surprising Sharks, illustrated by James Croft; Extreme Animals, illustrated by Neal Layton; and The Promise, illustrated by Laura Carlin. Nicola Davies lives in Wales.

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