DC 5V--36V Trigger Cycle Delay Timer Switch Turn On/Off Relay Module with LED Display for Smart Home Tachograph GPS PLC Control Industrial Control Electronic
1. To achieve fast high frequency turn-on and off circuit, an unlimited number of switching times
2. No noise was made during turning on/off, no spark, and no electromagnetic interference
3. Compared to normal electromagnetic relay modules, it has a longer service life
4. Dual-MOS in parallel active output, lower inner resistance, larger current, strong power; at room temperature, operating current is up to 15A, power up to 400W, that can be used for most equipment
5. Wide voltage input from 5V to 36V, normally used for controlling DC motors, lights, LED strips, micro-pumps, solenoid valves, etc., very convenient
To achieve fast high frequency turn-on andoff circuit, an unlimited number of switching times.
No noise was made during turning on/off, nospark, and no electromagnetic interference.
Compared to normal electromagnetic relaymodules, it has a longer service life.
Dual-MOS in parallel active output, lower innerresistance, larger current, strong power; at room temperature, operatingcurrent is up to 15A, power up to 400W, that can be used for most equipment.
Wide voltage input from 5V to 36V, normallyused for controlling DC motors, lights, LED strips, micro-pumps, solenoidvalves, etc., very convenient.
It has an emergency stop function ("STOP" button)and reverse input protection.
Automatically enter sleep mode and shut offdisplay if no operation in 5 minutes, and will be wake up by pressing anybutton.
You can set different OP, CL, LOPparameters, which are independent of each other, and are saved separately;
All parameter settings will be savedautomatically if there is a power failure.
Voltage: DC 5V~36V.
Trigger Signal Source: High voltage leveltrigger (3.0V~24V), signal ground and system ground are not on common ground toimprove the systems anti-jamming capability (you can also connect them oncommon ground).
Output : DC 5V~36V, at roomtemperature, continuous current is 15A, power 400W. With enhanced heatdissipation, the current can be up to 30A.
Quiescent Current: 20mA
Operating Current:50mA
Working Temperature: -40℃~85℃
Clocking (Time Delay) Range: 0.1seconds to999minutes
Size: 60*34*12mm / 2.36*1.33*0.47"
Operating Mode:
P1: trigger signal, the relay is on"OP" time, and then disconnect; in the "OP" time, asfollows:
P1.1: signal is triggered again, invalid
P1.2: signal is triggered again, the clockingis reset
P1.3: Signal is trigger again reset, relayoff, and stop the clocking;
P-2: trigger signal, the relay off"CL" of time, the relay on "OP" time, and then disconnectrelay after clocking;
P3.1: trigger signal, the relay is turnedon after the "OP" time, the relay off "CL" time, then theoperation cycles; if trigger signal again during the cycle, the relay off, stopclocking; the number of cycles times ( "LOP ") can be set.
P3.2: without triggering signal after poweron, the relay is on "OP" time, the relay off "CL" time, thenthe operation cycles; the number of cycles times ( "LOP ") can beset.
P-4: signal holding function. If there is triggersignal, clocking is reset, the relay remains on; when the signal disappears,after clocking "OP" time, the relay is off; if another signal istriggered during clocking, clocking will be reset.
How to Set Clocking Range:
After setting the parameter value at modeselection, press "STOP" button to set the clocking range;
XXX. The last decimal point lights up,range: 1 second to 999 seconds.
XX. X The second last decimal point lightsup, range: 0.1 seconds to 99.9 seconds
X. X. X. all 3 decimal points light up,range: 1 minute to 999 minutes.
For example, if you want to set"OP" as 3.2 seconds, light up the second last decimal point, and setdigit display as 03.2
Parameter Description: "OP" - ontime, "CL" - off time, "LOP" - number of cycle times (1-999times, "---" represents infinite loop).
These parameters are independent of each other,but are shared by each mode. For example, in P1.1 mode, set the on-time"OP" is 5 seconds, if you switch to P1.2 mode, its "OP"will also be 5 seconds.
In the main interface (display 000), press"SET" button will display "OP" ( "CL","LOP") and the corresponding time XXX;
If the mode (such as the mode P1.1, P1.2,P1.3) only has "OP" time, press the "SET" key to displayonly the "OP" and the corresponding time;
Some models (such as the mode P3.1, P3.2)have parameters "OP", "CL", "LOP", press"SET" button will display "OP" and the corresponding time, "CL" and the corresponding time, "LOP" and the corresponding number of times;
After setting mode, in the main interface press"SET" key to see information about the parameters of the currentmode, very convenient.
How to Set Parameters:
1. First, read the instructions todetermine the required operating mode.
2. The module is powered up, the display atthe current work mode (P1.1 default mode), then enter the main interface; pressand hold "SET" button for 2 seconds to enter mode selectioninterface; then press "UP", "DOWN" button to select themode (P1.1 ~ P-4).
3. Select the mode (such as P3.2), thenpress the "SET" button, the parameter to be set flashes ("OP" on-time, "CL" off time, "LOP" cycles ("---" represents infinite loop)), press(or press and hold)"UP", "DOWN" button to adjust the parameter value; thenpress the "STOP" key to set the decimal point position to select the clockingrange (0.1 seconds to 999 minutes); press the "SET" button to set thenext parameters of the current mode, method is same as above.
4. After the parameters are set, press andhold "SET" button for 2 seconds, then the current mode will flashonce, and then return to the main interface, which means the parameters are successfullyset.
The main interface: If the relay is not in work state, itdisplay "000" with no decimal point), if it is in work state, it has decimalpoint.
Mode selection screen: Press and hold the"SET" button to enter; after setting, press and hold the"SET" button to exit back to the main interface.
Relays Enable Mode:
1. ON: Relay allows conduction in the"OP" on-time;
2. OFF: Relay prohibits conduction and isalways closed;
In the main interface, press the"STOP" button to switch between ON and OFF, the current state willflash, and then return to the main interface. (This feature is an emergencystop function, press on button to disconnect relay)
Sleep Mode:
1. "C-P" Sleep mode: five minuteswithout any operation, the digital display automatically turns off, the programrunning as usual;
2. "O-d" Normal mode: digitaldisplay turns on always;
Press hand hold the "STOP" buttonfor two seconds to switch "C-P" and "O-d" state, thecurrent state flashes and then return to the main interface.
1. The module is an active output, theoutput voltage equal to the input voltage.
2.DC + and load + are internally shorted(connected), but DC- and load - cannot beshorted, otherwise the load cannot be controlled on and off, which isequivalent to load being powered on always.
Package Includes:
1 x Timer Switch Module