365nm purple light flashlight
  • 1
  • [flagship model] three light sources - small spotlight head [one battery and one charge set]
  • [flagship model] three light sources - small spotlight Bald head [two batteries and one charging set]
  • [golden model] three light sources - small spotlight head [one battery and one charging set]
  • [golden model] three light sources - small spotting head [two batteries and one charging set]
  • [Professional single light model] Black mirror 365 purple light [one battery and one charge set]
  • [Professional single light model] black mirror 365 purple light [two batteries and one charge set]
  • [Golden Type-C direct charging model] Three light sources - small spotlight head


365nmไฟฉาย 365nmuv 365nm365nm uvไฟฉาย uv 365nmflashlighttua flashlightsuper flashlighthelmet flashlightflashlight ไฟฉาย
