【hot sale】❧ C16 Korean Version ins Vintage Washed Canvas Schoolbag Female Muji Solid Color Backpack Student Travel
1,061.00 796.00 บาท
No Brand
- Welcom
- Size can consult the seller will recommend the right size for you
- 1. The stores are all overseas spot goods and the subscript will be sent out within 3 days and normally it will be delivered to the store within 5-15 days
- 2. Overseas delivery process: the goods cant be returned when they are sent out and the buyer will be informed that they have been delivered only after the goods arrive at the customs. Please know that once the package is sent out it cant be returned. If the water and water people dont want it or want to cancel the order then we will have a direct loss and great pressure. Please understand
- 3. There are other package activities at all points. You are welcome to buy more than one
WelcomSize can consult the seller, will recommend the right size for you1. The stores are all overseas spot goods, and the subscript will be sent out within 3 days, and normally it will be delivered to the store within 5-15 days2. Overseas delivery process: the goods cant be returned when they are sent out, and the buyer will be informed that they have been delivered only after the goods arrive at the customs. Please know that once the package is sent out, it cant be returned. If the water and water people dont want it or want to cancel the order, then we will have a direct loss and great pressure. Please understand3. There are other package activities at all points. You are welcome to buy more than one