AB32VG1 Development Board AB32V Chip 5V TYPE-C Power Supply Built-in 32-bit RISC-V Core Microcontroller with Row Needle Replacement Parts
776.30 450.00 บาท

AB32VG1 Development Board AB32V Chip 5V TYPE-C Power Supply Built-in 32-bit RISC-V Core Microcontroller with Row Needle


1: Widely used

2: The maximum operating frequency is 120M,

3: Simple appearance does not look dazzling

4: Simple and easy to understand, very suitable for college students and geek lovers to learn.

5: TYPE-C power supply and support automatic programming, working voltage 5V

product description

AB32VG1 development board, AB32V chip, built-in 32-bit RISC-V core, maximum operating frequency 120M, support RT-Thread. The development board leads to all IO ports, and the peripherals need to be short-circuited with the IO with a shorting cap.

口function. The simple appearance does not look dazzling, it is very suitable for college students and geek lovers to learn.


1.AB32VG1 chip

2. TYPE-C power supply and support automatic programming, working voltage 5V

3. Main frequency 120MHz

4.RAM 192KB, 8Mbit Flash

5. Peripheral interface: UART, ADC, PWM, HIC, etc.

6. Onboard 1 TF card socket, 1 audio interface, 1 RGB light, 1 infrared receiver, 3 function buttons, 1 reset button,

1 USB port (not supported by the software)

7. With BT and FM (the software does not currently support)

8.Board size: 80*55mm weight: 24g

Package included:

1*AB32VG1 development board

1*Single row pin 26p

1*Short Cap

1*Double row needle 12p

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