Myrrh มดยอบ 15ml น้ำมันหอม
3,500.00 บาท
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Commiphora myrrha

Myrrh essential oil is a woody, resinous oil with powerful effects on the mind and body. Historically used as a perfume and incense, Myrrh offers skin-beautifying benefits, emotionally balancing qualities, immune system support*, and the promotion of oral hygiene.

Usage Tips:

Gargle water with 1–2 drops each of Myrrh and Peppermint essential oils for a cleansing rinse.*
Myrrh is soothing to the skin—apply topically to promote a smooth, youthful-looking complexion.
Diffuse to help promote emotional balance, soothe tension levels, and uplift your mood.
Add one to two drops to toothpaste for added cleansing benefits.
Learn More

What Is Myrrh Oil Used For?

Myrrh essential oil comes from the resin of the myrrh tree, which is a relative of frankincense. Smoky and herbaceous, the unique scent of Myrrh promotes emotional balance and eases tension. If you feel stress and tension rising in your home, diffuse Myrrh to soothe irritability and invite feelings of contentment, creativity, and well-being. Historically used as religious incense, Myrrh is said to increase spiritual awareness and promote an inspiring, energetic mood.

When taken internally, Myrrh may promote healthy cellular function, respiratory health, and immune function.* It also supports oral health and can soothe the mouth, gums, and throat.* Put one drop in two ounces of water and gargle for an effective mouth rinse. You can boost your dental routine by adding a drop of Myrrh to your toothpaste prior to brushing.

Myrrh essential oil may help to maintain nervous system health.*

Single bottle of doTERRA Myrrh oil with leaves and foliage. doTERRA Myrrh essential oil has many uses and benefits, including benefits for skin, emotions, oral hygiene, and the immune system.

Is Myrrh Oil Good for Skin?

One of the main constituents of Myrrh essential oil is curzerene, which reduces the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and skin blemishes. Myrrh essential oil can be applied directly to the skin or added to lotion or moisturizer to soothe minor skin irritations and promote a smooth, youthful-looking complexion.
Where Does Myrrh Essential Oil Come From?

Myrrh blends well with many citrus, wood, and floral oils, including Frankincense, Lemon, Geranium, Sandalwood, Tea Tree (Melaleuca), Jasmine, Vetiver, Rose, Ylang Ylang, Rosemary, and Lavender. Many of its emotionally balancing effects can be enjoyed by inhaling or diffusing the oil.

The oil is distilled from the resin of the Myrrh tree, a thorny tree native to North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. When Myrrh branches are cut or scratched, they ooze a sap that hardens when exposed to air. This sap—called resin—is then collected and steam distilled into Myrrh essential oil.
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