Toniiq CoQ10 500 with MCT oil 120 Capsule
1,590.00 บาท

TQ 5 Point Testing Program

Every Toniiq product lot is third-party tested for:

✔ Microbiology and Presence of Heavy Metals in Raw Material

✔ Assay of Active Ingredient in Raw Material

✔ Assay of Active Ingredient in Finished Product

✔ Fill Weight in Finished Product

✔ Microbiology and Presence of Heavy Metals in Finished Product

The Ingredients That Matter

Our CoQ10 is produced through a specialized process to ensure a minimum of 98% purity. Each 900mg serving has 500mg of Coenzyme Q10 powder, and 400mg of MCT oil powder to increase bioavailability allowing for greater absorption of active compounds that help support longevity and healthy aging.

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