The brains way of healing
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No Brand
  • edition:9781846144240
  • author:Neil Smith
  • publisher:9781846144240
  • isbn_issn:9781846144240
  • model:english
  • warranty_type:No Warranty
  • product_warranty:9781846144240
  • warranty:2 Months
  • Hazmat:None
  • brand:No Brand
" ""readers:"""""""""""""
Author:-press:Penguin Group UK
Format:24 x 16.5x 4cmNumber of pages:408 pages
This is Sunday Times bestseller. In The Brains Way of Healing, Norman Doidge, the bestselling author of The Brain That Changes Itself, presents astounding discoveries in the brains healing power. This book is about the discovery that the human brain has its own unique way of healing. For centuries we believed that the price we paid for our brains complexity was that, compared to other organs, it was fixed and unregenerative - unable to recover from damage or illness. In his revolutionary new book, Norman Doidge turns this belief on its head.
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