How to babysit a grandpa how to take care of Grandpa cardboard book how to series picture books emotional intelligence family view Jean Reagan New York Times bestseller
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No Brand
  • isbn_issn:9781524772550
  • language:English.
  • author:Sean Cregan
  • edition:Jean Reagan
  • publisher:9781524772550
  • items_per_each:Knopf
  • model:Knopf
  • warranty_type:No Warranty
  • Delivery_Option_Instant:No
  • product_warranty:9781524772550
  • warranty:2 Months
  • Hazmat:None
  • brand:No Brand

Frame binding: paper writing

By Jean Reagan

Drawn by: Lee wildish

Format: 13.9 * 17.8cm

Number of pages: 20

Language: English

IS BN:9781524772550

Publishing House: Knopf

Series Introduction:

A lovely little story of role exchange shows a strong warm heart and warmth.

In 2012, Jean Reagan, a childrens writer from the United States, warmed the hearts of three generations of grandparents and grandchildren with a book "how to babysit a grandpa": what can we do when walking with Grandpa? What does grandpa like to eat? The humorous and considerate operation guide comes from the authors research and summary of real life, and also inspires the readers thinking. The New York Times best-selling series "how to..." "how to..." has now produced six books, won many book awards, and even been translated into Braille.

Content introduction:

How to babysit a grandpa

Taking care of grandpa is an interesting job, as long as you know how to do it

This New York Times best-selling picture book is about how a child spends time with his grandfather. It describes in a childs voice an important guide to how to take care of his grandfather, For example, how to make snacks for grandpa (any food dipped in ketchup, ice cream with biscuits, biscuits with ice cream), what to do when walking with grandpa (looking for lizards and dandelions, paying attention to puddles and sprinkler heads), how to play with grandpa (building a Pirate Cave, wearing terrible Taoist clothes), etc.

The book is full of humor and positive energy. It is very suitable for children to learn how to care for the elderly while watching.

Cover image:

Inside page:

how tohow to touch a cathow to build a carhow to become a successfulhow to be a dictatorhow to talk to anyonehow to train your dragon bookหนังสือ how tohow to drawhow to pose
