Klutz enchanted fairy house: magic garden makes magic fairy house to cultivate childrens hands-on ability handmade with materials
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Binding: boxed (Book + Kit)

Author: klutz

Format: 27.3x25 4cm

Number of pages: 24

Language: English

Isbn: 9781338702231

Press: klutz

Content introduction:

Experience parent-child activities and join klutz handicraft world! As long as the paint covered with paint is patted on the template, a beautiful template painting can be made. The operation is simple and the finished product has excellent effect, which can enrich childrens amateur life and improve childrens sensitivity to color! At the same time, in the production process, children can give full play to their creativity and imagination and paint their favorite colors. When parents read the instruction manual with children, it is helpful to stimulate childrens interest in learning English and exercise childrens English reading level. It will be a very interesting experience for parents and children to carry out parent-child activities with children.

The kit includes:

Instruction manual

A fairy tale book about Fairies

Paper punching

Wood Bead


Yarn of three colors

Artificial petal

Sequin fabric


Artificial moss.

Figure on inner page of operation manual:

fairy housefairy magicmagic housefairy wink magic eyeshadowmagic house shopmagic tree housefairy gardenmagic tree house merlinmagic tree house merlin missiongarden house
