The mythology Book DK encyclopedia series illustrated art encyclopedia text interpretation classic works of Art English original books English book
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  • material:Coated paper
  • theme:Popular Science Encyclopedia
  • title:Encyclopedia of Mythology
  • author:DK
  • press:DK
  • Date of publication:2018
  • Edition:/
  • Text language:english
  • Number of pages:subject to physical objects
  • Format:see details
  • copies are available on shelf:9780241301913
  • Free CDs:no
  • Book pricing:238
  • whether it is a gift:no
  • Suitable for reading age:over 12 years old


title:The Mythology BookEncyclopedia of Mythology


Name of publishing house:DK


Language: English


Product size:20 x 2.5 x 24 cm

Packaging: hardcover

Page number: 352 (subject to the physical object)Review

Lets not beat around the bush - if youre into mythology, youre going to want this book. (All About History)

There are many branches of psychology, involving a wide range of contents. The whole spiritual life and human and animal behavior are the research areas of these branches. Nowadays, the scope of psychology is constantly expanding, and it has intersected with many other disciplines, such as medicine, physiology, neuroscience, computer science, education, sociology, Anthropology - even politics, economics and law, etc. Psychology is perhaps the most diverse science.

Psychology is constantly influenced by other sciences, especially economics and genetics. This interaction is particularly reflected in the question of innate or acquired. Born or formed? This debate can be traced back to a series of thoughts of Francis Galton in the 1980s, but it is still inconclusive. Recently, evolutionary psychology has found that psychological traits are a biological phenomenon formed by nature and controlled by genetic laws and natural selection. This discovery adds fresh blood to the debate between nature and nurture.

Psychology is a big subject, and its achievements are closely related to each of us. Many decisions in the industrial and commercial advertising industry and the mass media industry have the shadow of psychology, but in different forms. It affects us in the form of collective or individual, and has made great contributions to the public discussion about the social structure and the diagnosis and treatment of mental diseases.

The theories and thoughts of psychologists have become a part of our daily culture. Many research results of psychologists in the field of behavior and psychological process have now entered the scope of "common sense". However, although some psychological results are consistent with our intuition, when psychologists findings shake the traditional and long-standing beliefs, they will still cause public anger and surprise people.

In the short history of psychology, many thoughts have changed peoples way of thinking, and also helped us better understand ourselves, others, and the world we live in. It has questioned deep-rooted beliefs; Unearthing disturbing truths; He also showed amazing insight into complex problems and proposed solutions. As a course in universities, psychology is becoming more and more popular, which proves the correlation between psychology and the modern world. At the same time, it also affirms the joy and encouragement that people can feel in the process of constantly exploring the diversity of psychology, which is constantly exploring the confusing sea of human thinking.

DK, UKpress, an internationally renowned publishing house and a famous brand of visual reference books, was founded in 1974. Its vision is to create books with both visual impact and rich information, so that readers can understand every theme. DK books are considered as a life guide for continuous learning from birth to old, and its popular science, encyclopedia, life and other books.

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