Roman tales Volume 4 original English Roman tales terrible history co authored by Terry deary
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  • brand:Bloomsbury Publishing
  • press:Bloomsbury Publishing
  • series:The story of Rome
  • author:Terry Deary
  • material:Light paper
  • Date of publication:2017
  • theme:Reading materials (children's Books)
  • title:Rome story 4
  • Edition:/
  • Format:see details
  • copies are available on shelf:978700289
  • Book pricing:RMB 304.00
  • Number of pages:subject to physical objects
  • Text language:-33521;-35821;
  • Free CDs:no
  • Color:see description
  • whether it is a gift:no


title:Roman TalesThe story of Rome4Book set

Author:Terry Deary(author); Helen Flook(Illustrator)
Name of publishing house:Bloomsbury Publishing
Language: English
Item size: About12.8 x 0.7 x 19.8 cm
Packing: paperback
Pages: About64page/VolumeX 4Subject to volume

1.Roman Tales: The Goose GuardsGoose guard

387 BC - Rome is being attacked by the evil Gauls, and the barbarian army is preparing to siege the temple of Juno on Capitol Hill, which is the home of a trainee priest Brutus. The residents of the temple received help from Lord frius, but were not sure whether he was trustworthy. However, when the rescue finally arrived, everyone found that it came from a more unlikely source

2.Roman Tales: The Captive CeltThe captured Celts

Ad 51 - bran was a slave and a prisoner of Rome, but he dreamed of returning to his hometown of Great Britain one day to fight the Romans. When he heard the proud young slave criticize Rome, he was put in prison and faced execution the next day. Fortunately, his cellmate karatacus is indeed a very special Prisoner - a British Sheikh. He believed he had a way to save them both, but he needed brans help.

3.Roman Tales: The Fatal FireFatal fire

Ad 64 - Rome is a frightening place. But when Mary, a Christian slave girl, came to the city with her master, she hardly realized the danger waiting for her. It was a chariot race day, and Mary found herself a witness to a terrible crime. Soon, she found that she not only had to worry about thieves and drunkards, but also had to face a more cruel and powerful person

4.Roman Tales: The Grim GhostThe grim ghost

Ad 113 - the little boy petinax helped his grandmother prepare a banquet at Plinys house. As all the workers were busy in the kitchen, the little boy was in the garden with Pliny. Big Pliny himself told him a story. This story is about a terrible ghost haunting the garden. But there is no truth in the ghost story Or is it?

Terry Deary(Terry Deary)His writing career began with writing novels for a&c black. He is now the author of more than 200 fiction and non fiction books, which have been published in 40 languages. His historical novel Tudor terror, written for older children, is known as "the perfect combination of fact and fiction" (School Librarian). Since 1994, his non fiction works have been at the top of the best seller list. His terrible history celebrated its 15th anniversary in 2008, with more than 25million copies sold worldwide and adapted into TV dramas, drama tours and museum exhibitions. Terry dirry was rated as "the outstanding non fiction writer for children in the 20th century" by keeps magazine.

Helen flock(Helen Flock)Born in Wales, he once lived in Canada and now lives in Aberdeen Wenger Reagan, Wales. She has illustrated hundreds of childrens books in the UK and tends to use acrylic ink or pen and ink. Helen is a permanent illustrator of a&c black, who helped draw Terry dirrys story book.

1.roman tales: the goose guards

2.roman tales: the captured Celts

3.roman tales: the fatal fire

4.roman tales: the grim ghost

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