Genuine English original postcards from Penguin Book cover 100 postcards
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  • theme:Teaching materials and examinations
  • title:other
  • author:Penguin
  • press:other
  • Text language:english
  • Number of pages:100
  • Format:8
  • copies are available on shelf:other


title:Postcards from Penguin Book cover 100 postcards

Author: Peng UIN
Name of publishing house: Penguin Classics
Publication time: 2009
Language: English
Item size: 11.4 x 6.4 x 17 cm
Packing: box
Number of pages: 100

This is a collection of 100 postcards,

Each one is the cover of Penguin Books with different characteristics and landmarks.
From famous literary work to criminal literature, this book contains the essence of British design in the past seventy years.

Since its birth, three eye-catching horizontal lines have run through the unique and iconic cover design on the cover of penguin paperback,
It became an important part of British culture and became famous all over the world.
Whether on the covers of classical masterpieces, crime literature and award-winning novels,
They have always followed Alan Lanes original design.

Sometimes you will judge a book by its cover.

This is a collection of 100 postcards, each featuring a different and iconic Penguin book jacket. From classics to crime, here are over seventy years of quintessentially British design in one box. In 1935 Allen Lane stood on a platform at Exeter railway station, looking for a good book for the journey to London. His disappointment at the poor range of paperbacks on offer led him to found Penguin Books. The quality paperback had arrived. Declaring that “good design is no more expensive than bad”, Lane was adamant that his Penguin paperbacks should cost no more than a packet of cigarettes, but that they should always look distinctive. Ever since then, from their original—now world-famous—look featuring three bold horizontal stripes, through many different stylish, inventive and iconic cover designs, Penguin’s paperback jackets have been a constantly evolving part of Britain’s culture. And whether they’re for classics, crime, reference or prize-winning novels, they still follow Allen Lane’s original design mantra. Sometimes, you definitely should judge a book by its cover.

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