My little world series owl English original hoot my little world cave book
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  • press:Little Tiger Kids
  • author:Jonathan Litton
  • title:Hoot
  • copies are available on shelf:9781848958135
  • Number of pages:subject to physical objects
  • Text language:-33521;-35821;
  • whether it is a gift:no
  • paper:Paperboard
  • Publication time:2014
  • Subtitle:Hoot

title:Hoot (My Little World)My little world seriesowlDongdongshu

Author:Jonathan Litton
Name of publishing house:Little tiger Press
Language: English
Product size:
Packaging: cardboard book
Number of pages:16(subject to material object)

How many owls can you find in this funny digital book? Count to five with Billy blue owl. He is looking for his friend. Bright picture books, holes and happy rhyming stories make learning lively

Jonathan Litton,FhionaGalloway has been a freelance illustrator for many years and has enjoyed illustrating for a wide base of clients, including many childrens publishers, which she loves. She lives in the west of Scotland with her husband, daughter and giant schnauzer and when shes not working, likes to spend time walking, watching films and reading.

Jonathan Litton has written numerous childrens books in prose and verse. He loves using his science background to write about sea creatures, space and saving the planet but is also fond of penning stories about pirates, princesses and picnics. When not writing, he can usually be found on his bike.

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