Crime and punishment original English novel
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  • publisher:9780553211757
  • model:10.5 x 2.3 x 17.5 cm
  • edition:paperback
  • author:Fyodor Dostoyevsky
  • warranty_type:No Warranty
  • isbn_issn:9780553211757
  • product_warranty_en:October 15, 1996
  • warranty:10 Months
  • product_warranty:October 15, 1996
  • Hazmat:None
  • brand:No Brand

title:Crime and PunishmentCrime and punishment
Author:Fyodor Dostoevsky
Name of publishing house:Bantam Classics

Language: English
Product size:17.4x10.7x2.4cm
Packing: paperback
Number of pages:576(subject to material object)

A story about repentance, redemption and faith

Sin and punishment come from the heart, and the way of redemption is also in it

With a scalpel like writing style, calmly and carefully cut open the human mind and eliminate the chronic diseases stained with blood

Crime and punishment is Dostoevskys representative work. It is a psychological novel that reveals the inner moral conflict and the alternation of good and evil. It is a mature sign of the writers complete originality. After the publication of the work, it attracted extensive attention of the society and won worldwide praise for the author. It is known as "a new Russian novel".

Dostoevsky, together with Balzac and Dickens in the 19th century, is known as "an unattainable master of novel art". His works focus on psychological analysis and consciousness disclosure. Through the in-depth exploration of human sins and the sharp and ruthless anatomy of human nature, his narrative art has reached a new realm, which reflects his artistic originality as a master of Russian realistic psychological schools, and is respected as a master by many modern literary schools.

Rodion Raskolnikov is a poor college student in St. Petersburg. He orchestrated a crime, killed an old widow in pawn business and her stepsister with an axe, and stole some jewelry from their apartment. In a conversation with polfiri, who was responsible for detecting the murder, Raskolnikov defended himself and gave play to his theory: a talented person can do anything to achieve his goal, and he thinks he is a genius. Svidrigailov came to St. Petersburg. Dounia suffered when she was hired by him as a tutor. Raskolnikov was in great pain. He went to the police station. Raskolnikov turned himself in at the police station and was sentenced to eight years in Siberia. Tonya and razumixing succeeded in running a publishing business. They got married. Sonia followed rasley. Linikov went to Siberia. She lived in two villages near the exile camp. Because she was very kind to raskovnikov and other prisoners, everyone called her little mother Sonia. With her help, Raskolnikov began a new life.

A desperate young man plans the perfect crime -- the murder of a despicable pawnbroker, an old women no one loves and no one will mourn. Is it not just, he reasons, for a man of genius to commit such a crime, to transgress moral law -- if it will ultimately benefit humanity? So begins one of the greatest novels ever written: a powerful psychological study, a terrifying murder mystery, a fascinating detective thriller infused with philosophical, religious and social commentary. Raskolnikov, an impoverished student living in a garret in the gloomy slums of St. Petersburg, carries out his grotesque scheme and plunges into a hell of persecution, madness and terror. Crime And Punishment takes the reader on a journey into the darkest recesses of the criminal and depraved mind, and exposes the soul of a man possessed by both good and evil... a man who cannot escape his own conscience.

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky (1821 ~ 1881) is a dazzling star in the brilliant Russian literary world in the 19th century. He is as famous as Lev Tolstoy and Turgenev. He is an outstanding representative of Russian literature. He has gone through an extremely difficult and complex way of life and creation. He is one of the most complex and contradictory writers in the history of Russian literature. That is, as someone said, "Tolstoy represents the breadth of Russian literature, Dostoevsky represents the depth of Russian Literature". Dostoevsky paid close attention to the salvation of the Russian nation all his life. He was sentenced to death for participating in revolutionary activities, pardoned before execution, and plagued by epilepsy and alcoholism all his life. In his writing, he experienced a very profound spiritual crisis in the 19th century, represented by crime and punishment, Karamazov brothers and idiots.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1821–81) was educated in Moscow and at the School of Military Engineers in St. Petersburg, where he spent four years. In 1846, he wrote his first novel, Poor Folk; it was an immediate critical and popular success. This was followed by short stories and the novel The Double. While at work on Netochka Nezvanova, the twenty-seven-year-old author was arrested for belonging to a young socialist group. He was tried and condemned to death, but at the last moment his sentence was commuted to prison in Siberia. He spent four years in the penal settlement as Omsk. In 1859, he was granted full amnesty and allowed to return to St. Petersburg. In the fourteen years before his death, Dostoyevsky produced his greatest works, including Crime and Punishment, The Idiot, The Possessed, and The Brothers Karamazov. The last was published a year before his death.

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